I live in Mexico where I work as a group leader for an automotive supplier. The last 2 years in Mexico have taught me how important a network is for the professional path, how important the team is and what role tolerance plays in each other. I learned that from mentors, from failures and setbacks, but above all because life in Mexico is much shorter lived, more chaotic and extreme. I am eternally grateful for what I have learned, but I must always encourage myself and overcome the difficult path.
Meanwhile, the birth of my second child is imminent and I was faced with the decision to go back to Germany or stay in Mexico. I decided to stay in Mexico without knowing exactly what the future holds but with the prospect of an exciting, successful and fulfilling future.
I am indebted to many people for being able to follow the path I have taken, but above all to the Reissner Foundation. The scholarship gave me the opportunity to study in France and get excited about foreign countries. My enthusiasm for foreign countries has now taken me to France, Mexico and Italy, Switzerland and the USA.
Finally, I call all young people to gain experience abroad and not always the easy way to go.